updates Archive

More Dividends Update from January 2017

Welcome readers. I hope that 2017 has been going good for you so far. For me, since work has slowed down some I am able to focus some of my energy to other things

More Dividends Update from December 2016

It seems like such a long time since I have done a monthly update here at More Dividends. In reality, I only missed the month of November and for that I apologise. In the

The Disappearing Act Is Over!

Hopefully, you read the title right…. because my disappearing act is over. It has been almost 2 months since I added anything new to this blog and I apologise for that. As some of

More Dividends Update from October 2016

Time sure has been flying by here it is the 6th of the month and I am just now sitting down to write my monthly update. That may be in part because the 1st

More Dividends Update from September 2016

Hopefully everyone has enjoyed a very prosperous September and what a prosperous month that it turned out to be. All of the metrics that I currently track for the blog are all showing an

More Dividends Update – June 2016

June has been was a very interesting month for me. I opened up a Twitter account @MoreDividends. On there I will be posting articles I read and like, as well as my thoughts as

To DRIP or not to DRIP

To start with lets start with what is a DRIP. A DRIP is a Dividend ReInvestment Plan, where your dividends are reinvested into the security that is paying you the dividend. You can do