More Dividends Update from October 2021

Another month has been recorded in the history books. The weather has begun cooling off. The leaves are turning some astounding shades of yellow and orange. The hiking was amazing during the month. I made it out to several places like High Shoal Falls and Cloudland Canyon. Also during the month I took a late season trip to the beach. I spent a few nights in Destin, Florida and had an amazing time.
The month was not all spent on travel and leisure. I also included some time to begin developing an aggregation site for the DGI community. It will pull excerpts from everyone’s blog and link back to the original articles. It will be a great way to find a diverse range of content from different members of the DGI community. If you are interested in having your site or blog listed please send me a message or let me know in the comments down below.
That is some of the things that have been going on outside of the portfolio. The things inside the portfolio have been running splendidly. For the most part this month, it has operated on autopilot. October produced some nice dividend income and then it was all reinvested. I absolutely love that my portfolio continues to compound even when it is on autopilot.
Stock Additions
As noted, the portfolio has been on autopilot the past month. That of course doesn’t mean that I haven’t been doing some research. I am looking to pull the trigger on some new stock additions sometime this month. These moves will involve some new capital as well as reallocating some existing capital.
Dividends Received
With the addition of Altria Group a few years ago, the dividend income during the first month of the quarter really began to improve. Overtime, I have added some solid companies to the portfolio that just happen to also pay their dividend during this month. When a company pays its dividend has never been a factor when I am deciding to invest in a company or not.
So, let’s have a look at what companies paid me a dividend this month.
Cardinal Health (CAH) – $10.13 – Reinvested
Genuine Parts (GPC) – $10.58 – Reinvested
JP Morgan Chase (JPM) – $15.71 – Reinvested
Coca Cola (KO) – $6.76 – Reinvested
Manhattan Bridge Capital (LOAN) – $.84 – Reinvested
Altria Group (MO) – $43.80 – Reinvested
Realty Income (O) – $8.64 – Reinvested
Store Capital (STOR) – $14.47
October was the first month of Q4 and accounted for $110.93 of my 2021 Dividend Income.
In total during 2021 so far, I earned $1282.83 in dividend income!
So far my dividends received looks like this
Dividends Received By Year
October has been chugging along. I only saw a 9.9% growth year over year in the dividend income received. While the year over year growth is smaller than most months, I am still very pleased with it. This growth was all created organically in the portfolio because of compounding dividends.
I am well aware of the fact that as time goes on more of the work will be carried by the dividend income and less of it will be carried by new capital being added.
Regardless, I will continue to build this portfolio through new capital and good solid investing!
Portfolio Allocation
The portfolio allocation appears to be pretty solid. Some new sectors have showed up in the past few months which have caused small shifts in the portfolio but overall no major shifts have happened. I think a shift to allocate more to these new sectors will happen in time but I am currently in no rush. I will continue to wait for good times to buy!
Current Portfolio
It is true that my portfolio has been operating on autopilot but I am completely alright with that. I feel like it is diversified enough to withstand any corrections and is currently producing me great results. I would love to see the portfolio to continue to grow bigger but only time will tell how long this will take. Articles
Here are the 3 articles that I posted on during September from oldest to newest.
More Dividends Update from September 2021
Exxon Mobil Increases Their Dividend by 1.1% in 2021
WestRock Increases Their Dividend by 4.2% in 2021
If you are interested in posting a guest post, just head over to the Contact Page and send me a message.
Life has been good. I have been able to find a great balance between business and pleasure. I have been seeing some great sites and having some great life experiences.
The portfolio has been doing great, the income is coming in so I am very pleased.
I will be continuing to work on some of my other projects and am excited to be launching some of them very soon. Again if you are interested in being included in the aggregation site, please let me know.
As always I look forward to reading all of your comments and questions, until then….. happy investing!!!
-Jason from
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I kike the GPC holding. I was just noticing that for the last 6 weeks the auto maintenance shops in my area have been slammed with business. I get some are the normal getting ready for winter deals but business seems busier than normal and guessing folks are making the decision to maintain their cars versus overpaying for a new/used one. Got me thinking I should be looking onto a stock like GPC.
Glad to see you’ve been able to get out and about and exploring other areas. In early October we took a family trip up to a lake house about 3 hrs from our house. It’s the 2nd time we’ve been and it’s just fantastic. We got to do some hiking, fishing, canoeing, stargazing (our oldest daughter was amazed that she could see Jupiter and Saturn through the telescope, honestly I am too), built a fire for the chilly for Texas nights. Just wonderful and I wish we could do it more often. October was a solid month for us for dividends. Like you I don’t explicitly look for companies that pay their dividends in certain months, but it sure is nice to get some diversification on that front and October crossed the $500 mark for us which is awesome. Keep it up and finish out 2021 strong!
JC recently posted…Dividend Increase | Automatic Data Processing (ADP)