More Dividends Income Report from January 2023

Boom! Just like that it is March and I haven’t even published my January report yet. I am going to go ahead and publish the January report and then immediately start working on the February report.
I have several articles in the process so look for some more fresh articles coming at you soon. Also look for a lot of new photos and videos on my Instagram account. I am still publishing content from my Costa Rica trip plus I have a lot of new content from hikes in both Georgia and Kentucky.
Along with the recent hikes, I have also been making a lot of new moves in the More Dividends portfolio. There are a lot of exciting things to come in the near future.
Let’s take a look at the dividend income that was received during the month of January.
Cardinal Health (CAH) – $10.68 – Reinvested
Genuine Parts (GPC) – $12.00 – Reinvested
Manhattan Bridge Capital (LOAN) – $.93 – Reinvested
Altria Group (MO) – $50.26 – Reinvested
Realty Income (O) – $12.12 – Reinvested
Orion Office REIT (ONL) – $0.38 – Reinvested
Walmart (WMT) – $6.44
January was the first month of Q1 and accounted for $92.81 of my 2023 Dividend Income.
In total during 2023, I have earned $92.81 in dividend income.
January is the very first month of the year and it does always seem to get the year started off kind of slow. Regardless, the month has begun to gain some steam in recent years and I look forward to seeing this months dividend income continue to grow through dividend reinvestment and new stock additions.
So far my dividends received looks like this
Dividends Received By Year
As I mentioned, January is historically been a slow month for me. Over the years, it has started to see some growth but it is no where near as large of an earner like the last month of the quarter. Over time, I would love to see this month start to earn more dividend income but I never buy stocks based on when they pay a dividend.
Let’s take a look at how things stack up on a year over year basis for the month of January.
Portfolio Allocation
My stock allocation held pretty steady during the month of January. The only real changes that I saw were caused my market fluctuations which should be expected.
Current Portfolio
This current look of the portfolio looked the same in January but it will show some changes in February. The current stock portfolio is sitting comfortably even with me making weekly purchases of the SCHD ETF. I will continue to add to this portfolio so that I can continue to grow my dividend income. Articles
Here are the 3 articles that I posted on during December from oldest to newest.
More Dividends Update from December 2022
Recent Buys – Viatris, WestRock and more
Archer Daniels Midland Increases Their Dividend by 12.5% in 2023
January saw some new articles on the blog. Which are your favorite kind of articles to read? Do you like seeing dividend increase, or recent buy articles. Please let me know in the comments down below.
If you are interested in posting a guest post, just head over to the Contact Page and send me a message.
Dividend investing has always been great to me. I will continue to add to this portfolio and to grow my dividend income. As the portfolio gets bigger, I can see more and more of the dividend income being reinvested really starting to make a difference in the portfolio.
I will keep working, keep investing, keep building, keep living, and keep adventuring!!!
As always I look forward to reading all of your comments and questions, until then….. happy investing!!!
-Jason from
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