Dividend Increase – Microsoft (MSFT)


On September 19th Microsoft announced a dividend increase of 7.6%. This will increase their dividend from $0.39 to $0.42. This dividend is payable on December 15th for shareholders of record on November 16th.

I originally opened a position when I started acquiring Microsoft using Loyal3 in March of 2016. At the time I started buying small amounts of the stock until I built a decent position in the company. At the time, it did not seem to be a good time to start a position because the stock was at its 52 week high. Currently though it seems that my thesis may have been correct on the company and I am glad that I started a position back when I did.

So with this increase it will add $0.27 to my quarterly dividend and $1.08 to my projected annual dividend income. Not bad considering I didn’t have to do anything to get it.

I have no intentions of selling my Microsoft stock anytime soon. I would love to have a good opportunity to buy some more stock in this great company. For some time, the company has been transitioning into a service company as well as a cloud computing company which to me just broadens the companies horizon. With a great management team in place I see no reason why this company would not be able to increase stockholder value as well as paying increasing dividends for years to come.

Do you currently hold any stock in Microsoft? What do you think of this dividend increase? Just let me know in the comments.

As always I look forward to reading all of your comments and questions, until then….. happy investing!

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  1. Jay | Reply
  2. Ernesto Quentin | Reply

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