More Dividends Update – May 2016
May has been a very busy month for me. So I haven’t had a whole lot of time to focus on More Dividends. It has actually been kind of a slow month for More Dividends. I will be updating the Dividend Income and Portfolio pages today as well. Some interesting things in the works but for now I will get right into this update and let you know what has transpired during this month.
During May, I did start some new positions in a great company. I also acquired some shares via a company spin off that I will discuss in an upcoming article.
Emerson Electric Co. (EMR) – 10 shares with a cost basis of $517.45
Dividends Received
Some dividends were received but unfortunately I didn’t have the DRIP turned on yet for the position so even though I received the dividend it wasn’t reinvested in more shares of the company. This was a mistake on my part that I will not let happen again. It was a relatively new position that I had forgot to turn the DRIP on….. live and learn!
WestRock Company (WRK) – $5.25
Dividend Increases
Last month when I posted of the dividend increases it was based on the announcements from the companies. In the future I will only mention the increases as I receive them. Unfortunately I did not receive any dividend increases this month.
Although this month didn’t have much going on, each month that I keep my money invested in good dividend growth stocks is a good month in my books. The month of June will have a lot more activity with the majority of my stocks paying out dividends during the 3 month of the physical year. Also keep an eye out for my upcoming article on the stock that I received because of a spin off. Please feel free to leave me any comments below!
Slow month or busy month, as long as those dividends keep rolling in it’s all good. Nice pick up with EMR. It’s been a long time holding of mine with no plans to sell any time soon. Later this year they will be doing a spin off as well. Thanks for sharing.
DivHut recently posted…Dividend Portfolio Sector Allocation June 2016
Well it was a busy month for me but a slow month for my portfolio. Yeah I really like EMR and I feel like I am getting in at the start of the downward swing of the cycle. Hopefully if I am correct there will be more opportunities for me to add more and to lower my cost basis. I have no plans to sell any of my holdings! Yeah I am excited to see how the spin off goes. Thanks for stopping by!