P&G has a 3% Dividend Increase in 2023
Dividend Increase Announcement
On April 11th, P&G announced a dividend increase of 3%. This will increase their dividend from $0.9133 to $0.9407. It is payable on May 15th for shareholders of record on April 21th. The new dividend represents an annualized dividend amount of $3.7628 per share as compared to the previous annualized dividend amount of $3.6532 per share.
P&G Dividend Information
Annual Dividend: $3.76
Dividend Growth History: 67 years
Dividend Yield: 2.42%
Dividend Increase Effect
I am currently holding 7.912 shares of P&G stock in the More Dividends portfolio. With this 3% increase it will add an additional $0.86 to my projected annual dividend income and this doesn’t even take into account the compounding factor! That brings the new grand total up to $2,525.74
To Learn More About Dividend Investing Check Out This Book Called DIVIDEND INVESTING FOR BEGINNERS.
Current Stock Position
P&G is a great company. I started this position couple years ago. My biggest regret is that I didn’t get to strengthen the position while the share price was still low.
So for now, I will hold the position and allow it to compound overtime. If I see a buying opportunity I would love to add to this position but until then I will just have to remain patient.
Regardless of how large or small, I love all dividend increases. That is how we end up with More Dividends 😉
Do you currently hold any stock in P&G? What do you think of this dividend increase? Just let me know in the comments.
As always I look forward to reading all of your comments and questions, until then….. happy investing!
-Jason from MoreDividends.com
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