more dividends portfolio Archive

More Dividends Update from February 2021
Long time no see readers. I have missed a few months worth of updates because I have been spending more of my off time traveling to different places. Lately, I have been staying some

More Dividends Portfolio Update – April 2016
April has come to end, so I decided to give an update on how my portfolio has been doing, as well as how the future looks for it. The month was very interesting for

Bought: WestRock Company
WestRock Company came into existence in March 2015 with the merger between RockTenn and MeadWestVaco. Both companies operate largely in the paper industry, RockTenn being mainly in corrugated packaging and MeadWestVaco being mainly in

More Dividends Fund Update – August 2015
Well hasn’t August been a very interesting month for the stock market. We saw a huge sell off that created some great buying opportunities for anyone who had the cash available to invest. Unfortunately