Bought: WestRock Company

WestRock Company came into existence in March 2015 with the merger between RockTenn and MeadWestVaco. Both companies operate largely in the paper industry, RockTenn being mainly in corrugated packaging and MeadWestVaco being mainly in consumer packaging.

I have had my eye on the company for sometime now as I had noticed the paper industry in general was down on the stock market but I noticed that WestRock was down more than its peers operating in the same sector. The company is a great company that has been largely affected by legal cost pertaining to the merger and the strength of the dollar. Neither one of these reasons is a reason not to want to own a piece of the company. The merger only allowed the company to get stronger as now they are leaders in corrugated and consumer packaging. With the cost of the merger behind them, it should only increase the strength of their balance sheet in the future.

I was able to pickup 14 shares of WestRock Company (WRK) for $34.00 per share for a total cost basis of $480.95. I really wish I would have had more capital available for this particular position because I see so much upside potential to this stock. The company has a history of increasing net income which is something that I love to see in a growing company! The book value of the company has increased because of the merger so I consider the stock to be at a bargain price right now.

I will hold steady on this position right now but I look forward to the future and more potential chances to strengthen this position in a great company that is a leader in their sector.

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