How Covid Has Shown Me All Of The Benefits Of Curbside Pickup!

Without a doubt 2020 has proven to be one of the strangest years in my life. We all witnessed as we were forced to shut down our economy to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.
As the economy slowed down so did the spread of the virus. This one component along did not stop the spread. Another big contributing factor was the change in people’s habits.
These habit changes will vary from person to person but has anyone noticed a lot of people wearing mask? Or using hand sanitizer? This is only a few of the habits that a lot of people have adopted during this pandemic.
Out of all of my new habits the one that I have been most surprised by is my grocery shopping habit. No, I don’t mean the wiping down of the shopping cart or the sanitizer bath before I go into the door. These factors don’t matter because I never actually step foot in the grocery store at all!
That’s right, you guessed it. I have begun using curbside pickup with Kroger!
Most people either love or hate the idea of curbside pickup when it comes to their groceries. At first, I was very hesitant but I have learned to truly love the whole process.
Let’s take a look at some factors that I have learned about using curbside pickup.
How Does Curbside Pickup Benefit Me
There are so many different ways that using curbside pickup benefits me. From beginning to end of the process the benefits look like this.
How Does Curbside Pickup Help Lower My Expenses
While I am in the kitchen cooking I will notice that I am running low on a particular item. Quickly I will grab my phone and add that item to my shopping cart on the Kroger app. This simple change in habit allows me to only buy the items that I need.
There is no more impulse buys while standing in the checkout line. Now it is only the things that I need. It is even super easy to select your groceries based on a particular recipe that you are using!
Now that you have narrowed down your selections you will also see a reduction in your expenses. It is simply making the grocery shopping process a more efficient system.
How Can I Justify the Expense of Curbside Pickup
I can tell by looking at my grocery receipt that there is supposed to be a $4.95 fee for curbside pickup. Currently, it appears as though they are waiving the fee probably because of covid.
I consider myself to be a very frugal individual but I can honestly say that I would still be willing to pay the $4.95 fee and here is my explanation as to how I can justify it.
How long does it normally take you to do your grocery shopping? Well for me, it takes about an hour.
I don’t know about you but I definitely think that my time is worth more than $4.95 an hour. Thus, this how I justify paying the expense for curbside pickup!!!
Would I Consider Grocery Delivery
Now here is a question that I have done quite a bit of thinking about. If I choose to do grocery delivery then the fee would go up to $9.95.
For the increase in the fee I would be saving the time to the store plus getting the groceries delivered right to my door.
Currently, I am content with using the curbside pickup option but I definitely wouldn’t be against having my groceries delivered.
When I think about it I always end up with the same thought. Is my time worth more than $9.95 an hour? And everytime my answer is YES!!!
Final Thoughts On Curbside Pickup
This change in habit was definitely not something that I saw coming. Despite being very hesitant at first I have become rather fond of the process. It allows me to be more focused and purposeful with my shopping list. In doing that it helps me lower my expenses. This system has me also earning stock and cash back from shopping with Kroger.
When I sit back and think about the whole experience I really can not name one bad thing about it. Normally everything has something negative about it but I really can not find nothing when it comes to curbside pickup.
I would be very interested to hear any negatives that you may have in using the curbside pickup system.
With my grocery expenses being less that will allow me to save more money and to invest it. The more money that I can invest now, the sooner that I will be able to reach financial independence.
This is a great example of how I am changing my habits more toward an FI minded lifestyle. It is a long term game that I am going to win, using curbside pickup is just going to be only of the many things that I do to achieve it!
As always I look forward to reading all of your comments and questions, until then….. happy investing!
-Jason from
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