Dividend Increase – Omega Healthcare Investors ( OHI )
On October 12th Omega Healthcare Investors announced a dividend increase of 1.6%. This will increase their dividend from $0.64 to $0.65. This dividend is payable on November 15th for shareholders of record on October 31th.
I originally opened a position when I bought Omega Healthcare Investors back in June of 2016. At the time I started my position I had done a bit of research and I really liked the company. After my original purchase, I continued to keep my eye on the company for a few months until I decided to double up my position in Omega Healthcare Investors. Currently I hold 35.651 shares. The thing that was so enticing was that the company’s dividend sports a very nice yield given the current market.
It is worth noting that it was just 3 months ago when Omega increased their dividend last time.
With this increase it will add $0.35 to my quarterly dividend and $1.40 to my projected annual dividend income. Not bad considering I didn’t have to do anything to get it.
I have no intentions of selling my position in Omega Healthcare Investors. I think they are a great company that will continue to thrive in this market.
Do you currently hold any stock in Omega Healthcare Investors? What do you think of this dividend increase? Just let me know in the comments.
As always I look forward to reading all of your comments and questions, until then….. happy investing!
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We will see come tomorrow if I become a stock holder or not. Great company, just waiting for a good entry.
Dividend Family Guy recently posted…August & September 2017 FrugalMaster Results
I have been thinking about adding more to my position. Only time will tell. Thanks for stopping by.