recent buy Archive

Recent Buy – ExxonMobil
This was an ill timed purchase but I do not regret it one bit. The reason I say that it was ill timed was because the day after I made the purchase the U.S.

Recent Buy – AT&T (T) Again
The market has been seeing quite a bit of volatility lately. Some days it is up and some days it is down. With this volatility comes a lot of opportunities to buy stock in

Recent Buy – Altria Group (MO)
It would appear that I have been on a buying streak lately. Just a short time after making the purchase of AT&T stock, I decided to start a position in a new company. Some

Recent Buy – Realty Income (O)
It has been a long time since I have made 2 purchases this close together. Low and behold though it has happened. Realty Income was a company that I owned a couple of years

Recent Buy – ExxonMobil (XOM)
For sometime now I have been educating myself about the overall picture of economics. When I publlished the reasons more money wasn’t going into More Dividends in 2017 I let it be known that

Recent Buy – Genuine Parts Company (GPC)
It has been awhile since I have posted a Recent Buy article. Despite not making any big purchases in awhile I have still been watching the market. I have actually had my eye on

Recent buy – Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) & General Mills (GIS)
It has been awhile since I have posted a Recent Buy article. Despite not making any big purchases in awhile I have still been watching the market. While I have been quietly observing I

Recent Buy – General Mills (GIS) & a little Kroger (KR)
Lately, I have been looking at several different companies across several different industries. I have started seeing some interesting opportunities pop up here and there. Now keep in mind that these purchases were made

Recent Buy – Pfizer (PFE)
Several years ago I learned about something called dividend growth investing. When I first started reading about this style of investing one company was referenced in the article. Can you guess which company that