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Included in this file is 3 separate sheets. The first 2 are just like the ones used on
More Dividends Portfolio page.
There are 4 fictitious companies listed for examples. It will show you how the format looks as well as how the formulas will work for you.
Portfolio of Stocks
Here we have the first sheet which is the Portfolio of Stocks. On this sheet you can list your stocks, quantity, cost basis, current value and dividend per share. When you input this information the spreadsheet will calculate all of the other values for you. It will allow you to monitor your portfolio.
When I apply this formatted spreadsheet on to Google Sheets I have it automatically update my current price so that it is always up to date when I look at it.

Dividend Income
Here we have the second sheet which is the Dividend Income. On this sheet it imports the data from the Portfolio of Stocks. It calculates your projected dividend income based on your number of shares and the dividends paid per share.

This is a new sheet in version1.5. The information is automatically populated on this page from the Portfolio of Stocks and Dividend Income Pages.

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Great spreadsheet! However, I have a question. I filled out the 1st tab with all my stocks and it did populate the graph. However, it did not automatically update the Dividend Income spreadsheet. I want to upload this to google spreadsheets so it will automatically update. I have not had a lot of luck making any spreadsheet work to date. I do admit I am not the most tech savvy person. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Armin Rembe
Right now Armin, you will have to manually update the dividend income portion of the spreadsheet but I am working on a modified version that will automatically update. In Google Spreadsheets, I use this function =GOOGLEFINANCE(A3,”PRICE”) and in the cell A3 I have the ticker symbol for the stock and it updates to the current price!
How is the information incorrect?